Das Renchtal - zwischen Berg und Tal

Over a distance of 57 kilometres, the river Rench makes its way from the heights of the Black Forest at an altitude of 915 metres in the Kniebis area until it joins the river Rhine near the town of Helmlingen. The town of Bad Peterstal-Gresbach is situated in the upper valley of the Rench, close by the murmuring river. Here the valley is narrow, and its wooded slopes are precipitous, rising from 400 to 1000 metres. The landscape becomes quainter as you approach the town of Oberkirch, which is situated at a distance of some 18 kilometres from Bad Peterstal-Griesbach in the lower valley of the Rench. Here the valley widens, making room for meadows, archards and vineyards.

Thus our town is an ideal starting point for a wide variety of splendid excursions such as

Die Wilde Rench

Der Glaswaldsee

Klosterruine Allerheiligen mit den Wasserfällen

Imposante Felsen: "Klagstein", "Teufelskanzel", "Heiden-" oder "Urselstein"